In the latest installment of Wishcasting Wednesday, Jaime Ridler asks, "What is your winter wish?"
I wish to keep dreaming.
In real life - whatever the heck that is - I'm not much for keeping track of loose ends, housework, bills, and other details of mundane existence. Although my credit report may suffer - and I believe credit reports deserve to suffer - I insist on living in a chaotic inner existence that never ceases to amaze and delight me.
Yvonne, thank you for your kind words over at my blog.
This is a beautiful story ... I used to re-decorate a lot when I was in my teens, and I can very well relate to your feeling of achievement and happiness. Seems you have created yourself your perfect nest for dreaming winter dreams...
As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you too!
I am in the throw of redecorating so I really enjoyed this story! Isn't it fun when life offers us surprises like that?
As Yvonne wishes for herself, so I wish for her too!
As Yvonne wishes for herself, so I wish for her too!
As Yvonne wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
I love your story about asking for assistance, taking steps to nurture the voice inside that wanted the room rearranged. May your winter nights be filled with warm dreams :)
"nothing happens first unless a dream."
as yvonne wishes for herself, so i wish for her also!
As Yvonne wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
So happy you have a winter dream space:) May all of your dreams come true!
As Yvonne wishes for herself, so I wish for her too!
As Yvonne wishes for herself, I wish for her also!
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